Borschevsky Mikhail

Borschevsky Mikhail

Born on July 3, 1939 (St. Petersburg. Leningrad)

Education: The Leningrad Engineering and economic institute 1964 the Leningrad University 1968 Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, the Doctor of Economics, professor, the author of 5 monographs, 115 articles in the field of economy, sociology, history, cinematography, the author of scripts of documentaries (Leningrad, Lennauchfilm — 1979, “Life after life”, the director Solovyov).

Since 2003 until the present — the publisher and the editor-in-chief of the international magazine Herald of Europe (Great Britain). Copublisher and deputy of hl. editors of the Bulletin of Europe magazine (Russia). The magazine is founded by N. M. Karamzin.

Ph.: (0044) 207 389 88 00

Fax: (0044) 207 389 88 19

